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What is the market cap of Axie Infinity?

The current market cap of Axie Infinity is $ 798.43M. A high market capitalization implies that the asset is highly valued by the market. What is the current trading activity of Axie Infinity? Currently, 20.18M of AXS were traded within 24 hours of time.

What is Axie Infinity coin?

The principal Axie Infinity coin, AXS, is the game's governance token. Users can stake their tokens to claim rewards and take part in certain Axie team-organized sales and auctions. SLP is earned by playing Axie Infinity and can be used to breed new Axies, which can then be traded for AXS.

What tokens are used in Axie Infinity?

There are two main tokens used in the Axie Infinity ecosystem: Axie Infinity Shards ( AXS) and Smooth Love Potions (formerly Small Love Potion) ( SLP).

Is Axie infinity the most popular blockchain game of 2021?

With a market capitalization of more than $2 billion (as of writing) and projected revenues of more than $1 billion this year, it is safe to say that Axie Infinity has achieved staggering success. Here, we take a look at everything you need to know about what many agree is the most popular blockchain game of 2021.

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